It's more than just a bauble, it's a symbol of thanks

All of our Lawscot Foundation scholars have had to overcome challenging personal circumstances in their early life. The support they receive from the Lawscot Foundation in helping them achieve their aspirations has been the inspiration for this year’s Christmas campaign. All that support, stems from you...

So, this year for our Christmas campaign,  we’re encouraging people to buy a bauble for our Lawscot Foundation tree to help bring and spread some festive cheer. All the proceeds raised are going to the charity so that we can continue to support more young people. As well as adding a bauble to our tree, every donor will get a digital bauble with their message of thanks on it ready for you to share.

Help grow our festive forest!

It costs £2750 per year to support one student through the Lawscot Foundation. This year our target is to raise DOUBLE that amount: £5500. Any donation, big or small, will make a difference.

To track our progress we have created a festive forest, each time £500 is raised, a festive tree grows! We've already reached £500, can you help us get further?

Your bauble




Sharing your digital bauble is a great way to show your support publicly and help us spread the message of Baublefest!

We would love it if you could post your bauble on social media using the hashtag #Baublefest

However, you can absolutely be an anonymous donor if you prefer - it's completely your decision. Just declare this in your donation message below.

Make a donation and we'll do the rest.

Thank you and Happy Christmas

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Support us

Some of the young people we help have faced unimaginable challenges at such a young age – being in care; being a carer for their parents or siblings; being made homeless; poverty. Yet they have worked hard and got into university as a result of their own hard work and dedication.

Find out how you can help