• Donate

    Donate today to help fund a student's bursary, mentoring support or other career development activities such as insight days. Thank you!

  • Take part in an event

    By fundraising for the us you're helping to support students from less-advantaged backgrounds live their dream. All of the students we support earned their place at university as a direct result of their own perseverance and talent.

  • Become a corporate sponsor

    As a corporate sponsor, you'll help us support bright young people to overcome financial disadvantage and embark on a legal career.

  • Become a mentor

    Lawscot Foundation mentors are experienced solicitors; trainee solicitors or law students who support, encourage and guide students

  • Staff fundraising

    When you raise funds for the Lawscot Foundation you're helping to support students from less-advantaged backgrounds live their dream. All of the students we support have earned their place at university as a direct result of their own perseverance and talent.

  • Donate as you shop

    We're signed up to AmazonSmile and Easyfundraising, which means you can make a donation to the Lawscot Foundation every time you purchase an item online and it won't cost you a single penny.

  • Become a monthly donor

    Regular, monthly donations are the best way you can support us as an individual. Choose your own amount, or spread the cost of a £2,750 bursary over one, three or five years.

  • Other ways you can support us

    There are many other ways your organisation can support us.