Becoming a monthly donor is the best way to sustainably support our students. It also means you can pick a regular donation amount that works for you.
There is information at the bottom of this page about how to set up regular donations via JustGiving or standing order.
Each of our students receives a £2,750 bursary each year, which makes a major impact to their financial stability at university.
Making a commitment to fund a whole student bursary means you will be able to donate a major milestone amount as an individual, or as a business. You can choose one of our suggested monthly plans that suits you over your preferred time frame.
There are two ways you can set up your monthly donation plan:
1. Via JustGiving
Visit our JustGiving page now to set up your monthly payments which will be taken via direct debit.
Simply enter the sum you wish to donate and ensure you select to donate monthly (rather than a single donation). Please note that you will need to manually stop payments when you have reached the end of the period you wish to donate for; this is not an automated process.
2. Via standing order
This will allow you to pay monthly via bank transfer and you can set an automated end-date for payments to cease.
First, please get in touch with us directly to request our bank details. It's then easy to set up a standing order with your bank, either in-person or via online/mobile banking.
Email us at to request our details now.